Today I’m going to walk you through how to disable comments on a YouTube video. Let’s get started by logging into your YouTube account and going into your Creator Studio.

how to disable comments on a YouTube video

  1. Once in Creator Studio, go to your video manager. You can get there by selecting Videos from the left-hand menu. 
  2. Select the video that you want to remove comments for. 
  3. Go into that video and click the Advanced tab. 
  4. Scroll down until you see Comments and Ratings.
  5. Simply uncheck the Allow all Comments box and then hit Save.

Note: this doesn’t disable comments for ALL of your videos–only that single video.

I hope this tutorial on how to disable comments on a YouTube video was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave those in the comments below. 

For another great YouTube tutorial, check out my post on how to customize your YouTube channel.  

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