Today I’m going to walk you through a tutorial on how to factory reset your PlayStation 5.  You would want to do this if you are selling your PlayStation or giving it away. You want to make sure you remove all of your data from the console.

factory reset your PlayStation 5

  1. Log in to your PlayStation 5 on your main PSN account. 
  2. Navigate to Settings and select System.
  3. Select System Software and choose Reset Options.
  4. Select Reset Your Console.
  5. Make sure to read the warnings before you hit Reset.
  6. After one more warning, click Yes.

This should completely reset your Playstation 5.

I hope this tutorial on how to factory reset your PlayStation 5  was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave those in the comments below. 

For another great tutorial, be sure to check out my full tutorial on PS5 remote play.

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