Portrait mode is a great way to take professional-looking photos with your iPhone. It blurs the background behind your subject, making them stand out in focus. But what if you want to convert a picture to portrait mode that wasn’t taken in Portrait mode?

Here’s a simple trick:
  1. Open the Photos app and select the picture you want to convert.
  2. Tap Edit in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap Portrait.
  4. Use the Depth Control slider to adjust the level of background blur.
  5. Tap Done to save your changes.

That’s it! You’ve now converted your picture to portrait mode.

Here are some additional tips for converting pictures to portrait mode:
  • Make sure your subject is well-lit and in focus.
  • Avoid pictures with complex backgrounds, as this can make it difficult for the Photos app to accurately blur the background.
  • If you’re not happy with the results, you can always try again. Just tap Revert to undo your changes.
You can also use third-party apps to convert pictures to portrait mode. Some popular apps include:
  • Portrait Mode by Applicat
  • Portrait Mode by Facetune
  • Portrait Mode by Lens Distortions

These apps offer a variety of features, such as the ability to adjust the background blur, add lighting effects, and change the focus point.

Here are some additional tips for using third-party apps to convert pictures to portrait mode:
  • Read reviews of different apps before you download them. This will help you choose an app that is reliable and easy to use.
  • Experiment with different settings to get the best results.
  • Don’t be afraid to try different apps until you find one that you like.

No matter which method you choose, converting pictures to portrait mode is a great way to improve your iPhone photography skills. With a little practice, you’ll be able to take stunning portrait photos that look like they were taken with a professional camera.